Unicode (!Ā¶ā˜¢ā˜ƒš©¶˜š„¢), WebCrypto, and You

How can I get a SHA-1 sum of a unicode string?

Let's talk about that... It's actually a lot more difficult than you would think.


bower install unibabel
var buffer = window.Unibabel.strToUtf8Arr("Iā™„ā˜¢š„¢");

var base64 = window.Unibabel.arrToBase64(buffer);
console.log(base64); // SeKZpeKYou2gtO20og==

window.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-1", buffer);
// Promies contains buffer, as hex: da548f7a00f799317d9ba6c03a6ee9d14065223d

Naive Approach

var text = "Hello World!";
var textLen = text.length;
var buffer = new Uint8Array(textLen);
var index;

// Create the Buffer from the String
for (index = 0; index < textLen; index += 1) {
  // most browsers now support text.codePointAt(index), which is better
  // WARNING buffer[index] = text[index] WILL FAIL SILENTLY
  buffer[index] = text.charCodeAt(index);

// Create and print SHA-1 Hash
function printHex(sha1buf) {
  var hex = bufferToHex(sha1buf); // implementation in appendix

function printErr(err) {

window.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-1", buffer).then(printHex, printErr);

The Unicode Problem

Now let's consider that we're in 2015, not 1986:

1-byte ~ a 0 !
2-byte Ā¶ Ā¢ Īµ Ʊ
3-byte ā™„ ā˜¢ ā˜ƒ ā€±
6-byte š©¶˜ š‘¶ š¦ š„¢

Our users use weird symbols (šŸ’©) and, surprise surprise, they don't all speak ASCII English.

Also, check out these full-color symbols.

var radSnoBass = "I ā™„ ā˜¢ š„¢!";              // 6 chars
Unibabel.strToUtf8Arr(radSnoBass).length; // 17 bytes

"I".length;                               // 1 char
Unibabel.strToUtf8Arr("I").length;        // 1 byte

"ā™„".length;                               // 1 char
Unibabel.strToUtf8Arr("ā™„").length;        // 2 bytes

"ā˜¢".length;                               // 1 char
Unibabel.strToUtf8Arr("ā˜¢").length;        // 3 bytes

"š„¢".length;                               // 2 chars WHAT!?!?
Unibabel.strToUtf8Arr("š„¢").length;        // 6 bytes

var happyBuf = Unibabel.strToUtf8Arr(radSnoBass);

So what's wrong with this? Well... a lot.

  • JavaScript uses UCS2. Not UTF-8. Not Unicode.
  • ^^ I don't know what that means, but it's BAD!!!
  • It gives us a bad charater count for characters.
  • It gives us a bad byte count.
  • We can't loop over characters!

Let's take a look

var text = "Iā™„ā˜¢š„¢"; // aka "I Love Radioactive Bass"
var textLen = text.length;
var buffer = new Uint8Array(textLen);
var index;

for (index = 0; index < textLen; index += 1) {
  console.log('char[' + index + ']', text[index]
    , text.charCodeAt(index), text.codePointAt(index));

  buffer[index] = text.charCodeAt(index);

  console.log('buffer[' + index + ']', buffer[index]);

window.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-1", buffer).then(printHex, printErr);
// BAD!: da548f7a00f799317d9ba6c03a6ee9d14065223d
// compare with `echo "Iā™„ā˜¢š„¢" | shasum`
// Good: d5bb644c3a9f517bec9c36400cbc449be271f65f

TextEncoder / TextDecoder

After writing this demo I found out about another new API

var encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8");
var buf = encoder.encode("!Ā¶ā˜¢ā˜ƒš©¶˜š„¢");

var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
var msg = decoder.decode(buf)

Mozilla's Cross-Browser Solution

I took MDN's sample code and published it as unibabel on bower

How does it work?

'nuf said

Check out the article (above) if you're really interested. It's a bunch of double and triple bit-shifting and other similar nonsense that I don't care to think about, but for which I am very grateful.

bower install unibabel
var buffer = window.Unibabel.strToUtf8Arr("Iā™„ā˜¢š„¢");

// Unibabel also supports base64 conversion, if you need it
window.Unibabel.arrToBase64(buffer); // SeKZpeKYou2gtO20og==

window.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-1", buffer).then(printHex, printErr);
// YAY! da548f7a00f799317d9ba6c03a6ee9d14065223d

Can I encrypt in node and decrypt in the browser?

What do you get when you mix an Elephant with a Rhino?

Let's try!



function bufferToHex(buf) {
  // NOTE: new Uint8Array(sha1buf) would create a mutable copy, whereas a DataView does not
  var dv = new DataView(buf)
  var i;
  var len;
  var hex = '';
  var c;

  for (i = 0, len = dv.byteLength; i < len; i += 1) {
    c = dv.getUint8(i).toString(16);
    if (c.length < 2) {
      c = '0' + c;
    hex += c;

  return hex;

Helpful Hints: