Create an on-the-fly template for any data structure. Copy / Paste and style to taste!
"use strict"; (function () { var fixture = { "friends" : [ { "first" : "Jamshid", "last" : "Mavandi", "accounts" : { "gmail" : "mvndaai", "facebook" : "mvndaai" }, "interests" : { "tv shows" : [ "Julian Smith" ] } } ], // "familiy" : [], "self" : { "first" : "AJ", "last" : "ONeal", "accounts" : { "twitter" : "#coolaj86", "gmail" : "coolaj86", "aim" : "coolaj1986", "linkedin" : "coolaj86", "phone" : "317-426-5555", "facebook" : "coolaj86" }, "interests" : { "movies" : [ "Star Wars Trilogy", "Spiderman", "The princess bride" ] } } }; function typeOf(value) { var s = typeof value; if (s === 'object') { if (value) { if (typeof value.length === 'number' && !(value.propertyIsEnumerable('length')) && typeof value.splice === 'function') { s = 'array'; } } else { s = 'null'; } } return s; } // Thanks to Crockford function format_label(s) { return s.titleize(); } function format_array_item(s) { return s.singularize(); } var labelize, singularize; // Return the string or an empty string function string_identity(s) { if ('string' !== typeOf(s)) { s = ''; } return s; } // recurse until the object is html /* * TODO - demonstrate use of merge / fold * If two people objects have different members - say email and phone * merge them into one for the sake of creating the template */ function create_template(){ // set vars only once } function json2html(fixture, className, appendName, params) { params = params || {}; if (undefined === typeOf(className)) { className = ""; } labelize = labelize || params.labelize || string_identity; if ("function" === typeOf(params.singularize)) { singularize = params.singularize } else if (undefined === singularize) { singularize = function (s) { return string_identitiy(s) + "_instance"; } } function string2html() { var s2h = document.createElement('input'); s2h.type = 'text'; s2h.className = className; = className; s2h.value = fixture; return s2h; } function array2html() { var i, ii, ul = document.createElement('ul'), li; className = singularize(className); ul.className = className; for (i = 0, ii = fixture.length; i < ii; i += 1) { li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(json2html(fixture[i], className, false)); ul.appendChild(li); } return ul; } function object2html() { var pdiv = document.createElement('div'), div, key; pdiv.className = className; for (key in fixture) { if (fixture.hasOwnProperty(key)) { div = document.createElement('div'); var p = json2html(fixture[key], key, true); var s = document.createElement('span'); s.className='auto_title'; s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(labelize(key) + ": ")); div.appendChild(s); div.appendChild(p); div.className = key + '_container'; pdiv.appendChild(div); } } return pdiv; } if ("string" === typeOf(fixture)) { return string2html(); } else if ("array" === typeOf(fixture)) { return array2html(); } else if ("object" === typeOf(fixture)) { return object2html(); } else if ("function" === typeOf(fixture)) { alert("functions are not supported"); return; } else { alert("some weird crap happened"); } } document.body.insertBefore(json2html(fixture, "contacts", undefined, { labelize: format_label, singularize: format_array_item }), document.body.firstChild); }());